Hello Mathieu,

<quote name="Mathieu Stumpf" date="2013-04-18" time="10:26:56 +0200">
> Le 2013-04-17 20:06, Greg Grossmeier a écrit :
> >* Echo will be rolling out on en, de, and fr wiki next week on
> >Thursday
> >  (the 25th)
> On all Mediawiki projects, or just on some of them like Wikipedia?

Just the English, German, and French Wikipedias.

The Notifications (formerly "Echo") project team does a pretty good job
of keeping this etherpad up to date with their planned deployments:

> >Full roadmap at:
> >
> >https://docs.google.com/a/wikimedia.org/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aoizbfxc5g6KdEkza0xkQnJlM0o0TXlwQXhDOUFvYnc#gid=0
> Would it be possible to use free software solutions, which is not
> the case of the google spreadsheet as far as I know.

We (myself plus the Engineering Managers) were just talking about this
yesterday during the Roadmap Update Meeting (the meeting that happens
right before I send out this email).

Robla has a very very rough script that will (hopefully, someday)
convert the GDoc into a MediaWiki table that lives on mediawiki.org.
He's only working at it sporadically, unfortunately.

So, yes, we completely agree. From my understanding, the home of this
information was previously a mediawiki.org table, but that became too
unruly when the size of it and the number of people simultaneously
editing it caused usability problems. I can safely say that we aren't
happy with the non-Freeness of GDocs and we wish we didn't use it in
this case, but it was a stop-gap solution, and we fully intend on
something else (big F Free) replacing it when we know what will meet our

> Depending on
> the feature needed, EtherCalc may be used instead of the current
> solution. Other free/libre culture advocates, like the French
> framasoft[2] network are already using it, see [3].

Wow! Thanks! I have to admit, I haven't put in any real time searching
for a replacement, but these might be able to do it.

I'll work on copying over the current version of the Roadmap to
ethercalc today/tomorrow.

Actually, if anyone wants to help:

I *think* all of the content is copied over, but the formatting needs
some work ;-).  I didn't see an "import from CSV/xsl" function, but if I
missed that, it might be worth a shot.

No promises from our end, yet (as I don't know if we tried this already
and decided against it for some reason), but this is a great option,
thank you Mathieu!


| Greg Grossmeier            GPG: B2FA 27B1 F7EB D327 6B8E |
| identi.ca: @greg                A18D 1138 8E47 FAC8 1C7D |

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