At the risk of starting another huge bikeshed like [1] I feel like we need
some good guidance on just how in the heck we are required to license
extensions/images/source code files. With the help of Marktraceur we now
is somewhat specific to PHP but could be generalized to JS, CSS, and SQL.


But I have some additional questions... breaking this up into bits; my
current thought matrix is that:

== Extensions ==
* Must have a LICENSE file in the root with the full text of the license
for the extension, and appended any additional licenses for
libraries/resources they've pulled in
** How do we specify what license goes to what included component?

== PHP Files ==
* For generic files, include a statement like
* If it's the Extension.php file $wgExtensionCredits array should have the
following items
** author
** version
** url
** license?
** If we include additional libraries, so we add another entry to the
wgExtensionCredits array?

== JS/CSS Files ==
This gets a bit confusing because apparently we're supposed to have a
license in every bit of content pushed to the user; did we ever settle that
huge thread in any meaninful way? E.g. how to push minimized but licensed

== Image Files ==
Really shouldn't be licensed under GPLv2; but right now they implicitly
are. Is there a way to explicitly identify image/binary content as being CC
licensed? Do we just add a line to the license file about this?

== And... go! ==

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~Matt Walker
Wikimedia Foundation
Fundraising Technology Team
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