Le 2013-04-26 14:19, Bartosz Dziewoński a écrit :
It's currently disabled on IE<9 and Opera. You can test it on them by
using the ?vewhitelist=1 parameter (but don't expect much). I'm
currently working on Opera support myself (as a volunteer).

I'm using firefex 8.0.1. It works with the parameter work around. By the way, is there some roadmap somewhere for this specific extension? It looks like there's not yet feature to edit tables and I would be interested to know what's planed on this subject.

2013/4/26, Mathieu Stumpf <psychosl...@culture-libre.org>:
Le 2013-04-25 19:09, James Forrester a écrit :
On 18 April 2013 17:32, James Forrester <jforres...@wikimedia.org>
TL;DR: VisualEditor will be deployed on 14 new Wikipedias next week
as an
opt-in alpha. Your assitance is requested to inform your wikis about
and help get the software translated.

This is now done (for de, nl, fr, it, ru, es, sv, pl, ja, ar, he, hi,
ko, and zh). Grateful for feedback, bug reports and suggestions of
we can improve the VisualEditor for you.

I opted in, but I can't see anything else than the classical edit
option. I tryed on severa pages I never visited before and also to
refresh my browser cache, but steal no new option. Is there a URL param
I could try to see if it at least it works this way?

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