Some people have been reporting some intermittent problems this afternoon.
Am investigating.

On Sep 4, 2013 5:31 PM, "Chad Horohoe" <> wrote:

> On Wed, Sep 4, 2013 at 4:49 PM, Chad Horohoe <>wrote:
>> On Wed, Sep 4, 2013 at 3:30 PM, Chad Horohoe <>wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Just a friendly reminder that we're taking down Gerrit in about 30
>>> minutes for a planned
>>> migration to a new (bigger) server. We've allotted an hour for the
>>> changeover but I'm not
>>> expecting it to take that long.
>>> I'll be sure to let everyone know when it's back up and running.
>> We're all squared away on the new box. As always let me know if
>> you run into any problems.
> So I wanted to explain a bit more what we did today and why. We
> moved Gerrit off of its old server of manganese to a new box of
> ytterbium. Other than an IP address change ( to
>, you shouldn't notice much of a difference at first.
> We did this for a couple of reasons. Manganese has been a very
> stable box but lacks the resources we need for an ever-growing
> Gerrit installation. The new server has a lot more RAM and CPU
> cores, all 100% dedicated to running Gerrit. As time goes on, I'm
> sure we'll find ways to further tweak the Gerrit config to make use
> of our new hardware. The IP address change is also notable--
> we've changed the setup to make it easier for us to eventually
> implement a long-standing request of removing port 29418 from
> Gerrit operations over SSH (no timeline on that just yet).
> As you may have noticed, I've not been doing much with Gerrit
> these days--my efforts have focused on HTTPS and Search. I
> just wanted to let everyone know that I still care about giving
> everyone a fast and stable Gerrit environment :)
> -Chad
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