Hello everyone,

During the Google Summer of Code 2013 program that concluded recently I
worked on implementing section handling in the Semantic Forms
extension[1][2] which also involved enabling the Page Schemas extension[3]
to handle sections as well. This means that now, not only templates but
sections too can be defined in forms. The work also included adding unit
tests to the Semantic Forms extension.

In SF a new {{{section}}} tag was introduced to the form definition syntax
to define sections in forms. The Special:CreateForm helper page allows you
to add sections to forms by specifying the section name and also modify its
properties. If you want to add sections manually the basic usage is -
{{{section|<section_name>|level=<header_level>}}}. The "level" parameter
here is optional.

PS now supports a <Section> XML element to be included in the schema to
define sections. The Special:EditSchema page can be used to add sections to
the schema and modify their attributes. As before "Generate pages" will
create the form with the templates and sections in the schema.

These changes can be tried out by pulling the latest code from Git. Section
handling for SF and PS will be available with their next released versions.
Any feedback or bug reports are welcome.

Many thanks to Yaron Koren who mentored this GSoC project and to everybody
who reviewed code and provided suggestions for improvement. It has been a
wonderful learning experience and I hope the newly added section handling
capabilities will be useful in defining a more complete structure for forms!

[3]. http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Page_Schemas

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