
sorry for my late answer.

On Mon, 2013-09-30 at 08:47 -0700, James Forrester wrote:
> This is brilliant, and makes Bugzilla hugely more usable; could it be
> switched on for all users by default, or would that impair the server
> operation too much?

I failed to make up my mind if it's helpful for the *majority* of
Bugzilla users (reporters, testers, triagers, developers, managers) or
if it might clutter the Comments view too much for some people, so I
kept it as an opt-in setting.
I'm happy to revise but don't know how I could find out. :)

Same for how much it affects performance. 
However, the code has a threshold to not display changes inline for a
bug report if there are more than 500 changes to the report.

Andre Klapper | Wikimedia Bugwrangler

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