On 2013-10-24 9:19 AM, Brad Jorsch (Anomie) wrote:
> The claimed problem behind a lot of this is "too many dependencies"
> making things hard to test and the idea that you can somehow make this
> go away by dividing everything into tinier and tinier pieces. To some
> extent this works, but at the cost of making the system as a whole
> harder to understand because you have to track all the little pieces.
> I doubt MediaWiki has reached the point of diminishing returns on
> that, but I'm not really sure that the end-goal envisioned here is the
> *right* division.
Then there's the potential that individually testing a bunch of
components doesn't always match what happens in the actually used code
that puts everything together. So in the end you either have to also
test the thing as a whole anyways. Or you end up with unit tests that
are even less useful than you started because they won't catch
regressions they would've originally.

~Daniel Friesen (Dantman, Nadir-Seen-Fire) [http://danielfriesen.name/]

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