On Tue, Dec 10, 2013 at 4:22 PM, Daniel Kinzler <dan...@brightbyte.de> wrote:
> what is the intention behind the current implementation of
> ParserCache::getOptionsKey()? It's based on the page ID only, not taking into
> account any options.

Looking at the code, ParserCache::getOptionsKey() is used to get the
memc key which has a list of parser option names actually used when
parsing the page. So for example, if a page uses only math and
thumbsize while being parsed, the value would be array( 'math',
'thumbsize' ).

Then ParserOptions::optionsHash is used to construct a key
corresponding to the actual ParserOptions object, for storing the
actual parser output for that page+ParserOptions combination. In the
example above, it would only use the 'math' and 'thumbsize' options to
vary the key; users having the same 'math' and 'thumbsize' would get
the same cached parser output even if they have different options for
stubthreshold, dateformat, numberheadings, userlang, editsection, an
so on. This reduces cache fragmentation.

I doubt that the ContentHandler is really going to need to override
getOptionsKey; the ParserOptions options used to parse the page really
shouldn't vary depending on user language or other stuff like that.

Brad Jorsch (Anomie)
Software Engineer
Wikimedia Foundation

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