Le mardi 17 décembre 2013 à 10:36 -0700, Brian Wolff a écrit :
> I'm not very familiar with lilypond, so there is probably a better
> way, but I was able to generate that fret board with code like:
> <score raw>
> \markup {\fret-diagram #"s:0.75;6-x;5-x;4-o;3-2;2-3;1-2;"}
> \score {
>   \new Score { c1 }
>   \midi { }
> }
> \header { tagline = ##f}
> </score>
> See 
> https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wikipedia:Sandbox&oldid=586519066

Oh, great thank you. Do you have any idea how you may make a landscape
oriented diagram with the \markup function? Or more generaly, how do you
translate this kind of code : 

          \new FretBoards {
              \once \override FretBoard
                #'(fret-diagram-details fret-count) = #3
        \override FretBoard
                #'(fret-diagram-details orientation) = #'landscape
        \override FretBoard
                #'(fret-diagram-details barre-type) = #'none
              \override FretBoard
                #'(fret-diagram-details finger-code) = #'below-string
        \override FretBoards.FretBoard #'size = #'2
            \override FretBoard
              #'(fret-diagram-details finger-code) = #'in-dot

to apply it to the \new Score { c1 } you are using ?    

> --bawolff
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