Hi everyone,

A big thank you to everyone who participated in the Architecture Summit
this year!  We covered a lot of ground this year, and collectively learned
a lot about how to put these things together.

A lot of our work from this summit on this is only just beginning.
 Speaking of that, just the act of processing the notes is going to be the
first step.  MatmaRex and Legoktm pulled together a concise list of the
etherpads here, which I've annotated with the corresponding agenda pages:

Our next course of action is to get all of these copied to mediawiki.org to
the agenda pages, so that we have a record of each session that will
outlive Etherpad's temporary storage.  I've done a little bit (the
Architecture value, process, and guidelines discussion), but I'd love help
from others on both getting it all copied in place, and wikifying it.  Any

Those of you that couldn't make it, I'd encourage you to read through the
notes  We'll be discussing a lot of this over the coming days, so it'll be
useful context to bring you up to speed on these things.

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