Amazing work. Added bug to integrate into TMH player.

I can’t imagine anyone being against flash to deliver free formats!  


On Feb 23, 2014, at 5:45 PM, Brion Vibber <> wrote:

> In case anybody's interested but not on wikitech-l; looking for some feedback 
> on possible directions for fallback in-browser video players.
> -- brion
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Brion Vibber <>
> Date: Sun, Feb 23, 2014 at 6:43 AM
> Subject: Re: ogv.js - JavaScript video decoding proof of concept
> To: Wikimedia-tech list <>
> Just an update on this weekend project, see the current demo in your 
> browser[1] or watch a video of Theora video playing on an iPhone 5s![2]
> [1]
> [2]
> * Got some fixes and testing from one of the old Cortado maintainers -- 
> thanks Maik!
> * Audio/video sync is still flaky, but everything pretty much decodes and 
> plays properly now.
> * IE 10/11 work, using a Flash shim for audio.
> * OS X Safari 6.1+ works, including native audio.
> * iOS 7 Safari works, including native audio.
> Audio-only files run great on iOS 7 devices. The 160p video transcodes we 
> experimentally enabled recently run *great* on a shiny 64-bit iPhone 5s, but 
> are still slightly too slow on older models.
> The Flash audio shim for IE is a very simple ActionScript3 program which 
> accepts audio samples from the host page and outputs them -- no proprietary 
> or patented codecs are in use. It builds to a .swf with the open-source 
> Apache Flex SDK, so no proprietary software is needed to create or update it.
> I'm also doing some preliminary research on a fully Flash version, using the 
> Crossbridge compiler[3] for the C codec libraries. Assuming it performs about 
> as well as the JS does on modern browsers, this should give us a fallback for 
> old versions of IE to supplement or replace the Cortado Java player... Before 
> I go too far down that rabbit hole though I'd like to get peoples' opinions 
> on using Flash fallbacks to serve browsers with open formats.
> As long as the scripts are open source and we're building them with an open 
> source toolchain, and the entire purpose is to be a shim for missing browser 
> feature support, does anyone have an objection?
> [3]
> -- brion
> On Mon, Oct 7, 2013 at 9:01 AM, Brion Vibber <> wrote:
> TL;DR SUMMARY: check out this short, silent, black & white video: 
> -- anybody interested in a side project 
> on in-browser audio/video decoding fallback?
> One of my pet peeves is that we don't have audio/video playback on many 
> systems, including default Windows and Mac desktops and non-Android mobile 
> devices, which don't ship with Theora or WebM video decoding.
> The technically simplest way to handle this is to transcode videos into H.264 
> (.mp4 files) which is well supported by the troublesome browsers. 
> Unfortunately there are concerns about the patent licensing, which has held 
> us up from deploying any H.264 output options though all the software is 
> ready to go...
> While I still hope we'll get that resolved eventually, there is an 
> alternative -- client-side software decoding.
> We have used the 'Cortado' Java applet to do fallback software decoding in 
> the browser for a few years, but Java applets are aggressively being 
> deprecated on today's web:
> * no Java applets at all on major mobile browsers
> * Java usually requires a manual install on desktop
> * Java applets disabled by default for security on major desktop browsers
> Luckily, JavaScript engines have gotten *really fast* in the last few years, 
> and performance is getting well in line with what Java applets can do.
> As an experiment, I've built Xiph's ogg, vorbis, and theora C libraries 
> cross-compiled to JavaScript using emscripten and written a wrapper that 
> decodes Theora video from an .ogv stream and draws the frames into a <canvas> 
> element:
> * demo:
> * code:
> * blog & some details: 
> It's just a proof of concept -- the colorspace conversion is incomplete so 
> it's grayscale, there's no audio or proper framerate sync, and it doesn't 
> really stream data properly. But I'm pleased it works so far! (Currently it 
> breaks in IE, but I think I can fix that at least for 10/11, possibly for 9. 
> Probably not for 6/7/8.)
> Performance on iOS devices isn't great, but is better with lower resolution 
> files :) On desktop it's screaming fast for moderate resolutions, and could 
> probably supplement or replace Cortado with further development.
> Is anyone interested in helping out or picking up the project to move it 
> towards proper playback? If not, it'll be one of my weekend "fun" projects I 
> occasionally tinker with off the clock. :)
> -- brion
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