
My name is Frances Hocutt, and I'm applying for the OPW internship
program. Specifically, I'm interested in improving the documentation
around the available Mediawiki API libraries, writing specifications for what
makes a good one, and generally making API:Client Code a more useful page.
I've been coordinating my application with Sumana Harihareswara, and my co-
mentor will be Tollef Fog Heen. Brad Jorsch and Merlijn van Deen have
agreed to offer technical advice as well. Thanks to everyone!

You can find my userpage here:
https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/User:Fhocutt. I've been drafting my
proposal here: 
(working title). And I've started a page for my microtask here:
I'll be comparing two of the Python API libraries; right now I'm figuring out
what criteria I'll be using. I'm looking at the Google Android, Drive, and
Youtube API documentation along with the AWS S3 Ruby API as starting
examples. Are there any other API client libraries that you've found exemplary,
related to Wikimedia or not?

Looking forward to contributing,

Frances Hocutt

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