On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 9:52 AM, MZMcBride <z...@mzmcbride.com> wrote:

> The Gerrit installation at https://gerrit.wikimedia.org is currently a
> critical part of Wikimedia's development infrastructure. I think it's
> becoming increasingly clear that Gerrit needs love. To me, this means:
> * working with upstream to make incremental improvements to Gerrit (such
> as the great work that Christian A. and Chad H. have done) and having at
> least one person dedicated to general upkeep of our Gerrit installation; or
> * figuring out whether a different solution such as Phabricator makes
> sense (expensive and fraught).
> The Wikimedia Foundation currently has staff or contractors dedicated to
> maintaining human resources software and Bugzilla, but perhaps it could
> spare the additional resources for a person dedicated to Gerrit or another
> code review tool. Or this is possibly an area where a Wikimedia Chapter
> could provide support.

This is partially being discussed systematically under the umbrella of the
Project Management Tools Review work, described at
https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Project_management_tools/Review. People
should participate in the discussions there, particularly at
https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Project_management_tools/Review/Options and
the associated Talk page.
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