Hi David,

Sorry, I didn't see this question on wikimedia-l. Yes, that use case is
important. We've got some ideas about a multi-editable scratchpad space
that's attached to the discussion thread -- it's early days on that
concept, but as you said, we really need to be able to support drafts, and
things like checklists, where multiple people are working through a list of
tasks, discussing items and checking them off when they're done. A
checklist feature is complicated, so we're a little ways away from that,
but I know it's something that we need to build.

In the nearer-term, we're talking about what we need in order to open up
editing of other users' comments. There are good reasons to do that; we
just need to make some changes to the interface to support it. We'll be
talking with interested people about this stuff a lot more over the next
couple weeks, to get more ideas and thoughts.


On Fri, Sep 5, 2014 at 8:38 AM, David Gerard <dger...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I asked this on wikimedia-l in the recent discussion with no answer. I
> was wondering what the status of this feature was ...
> - d.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Gerard <dger...@gmail.com>
> Date: 1 September 2014 18:00
> Subject: Re: [Wikimedia-l] Next steps regarding WMF<->community
> disputes about deployments
> To: Wikimedia Mailing List <wikimedi...@lists.wikimedia.org>
> On 1 September 2014 17:57, Martijn Hoekstra <martijnhoeks...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > The same, by the way, goes for VE, which should have had "bail and give
> me
> > what you have now as wikitext" from the onset, and Flow which needs a
> "bail
> > and convert this thread to ye olde talkpage thread" (which I fear will be
> > batted away as reactionary crank talk, and "by the time flow will be done
> > unneeded anyway")
> By the way:
> Is Flow going to support the use case of cut'n'pasting a piece from
> the article page to the talk page, as a lump of wikitext or as a piece
> of rich text from VE?
> 'Cos if it doesn't, I predict that will be the sticking point with the
> people who actually communicate on talk pages.
> - d.
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