> mw.loader.using( 'ext.pollNY.lightBox', function() {
>         LightBox.init();
> } );
> ((Any other code using LightBox.* should probably do the same thing,
> athough mw.loader.using is using jQuery's "promises" (I really want to
> call this something else, since jQuery doesn't implement proper
> promises) incorrectly so I'm not sure how well that will work))

That's difficult to read with the multiple levels of nesting with parenthesis.

1) jQuery's promises are not compatible with Promises/A+ or ES6 promises spec.
** How is this relevant?
2) mw.loader.using promises incorrectly?
** How? Is there a bug report? What issues does it cause?

Also [1], it is possible to use the regular syntax for jQuery promises:
mw.loader.using(  'ext.pollNY.lightBox' ).done( function () { ... } );

[1] Since 1.23 if you dig git history. There is no mention of when it
was added in the documentation.


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