On Mon, Sep 29, 2014 at 12:13 AM, K. Peachey <p858sn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have no idea where that is coming from, specifically since there was no
> mention of creating accounts and the Login page clearly mentions using LDAP
> credentials to log in.

Petan attended part of the phab meeting last Wednesday and raised the
same issue at that point. I gave him a link to
https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T457 at that time and other issues
blocking wider login were discussed.

I had the impression that he was deliberately raising the issue again
even though he already raised exactly that error message during the
meeting. (and without linking to relevant phab tasks or giving any
indication that he knew that what he was reporting was already a known
issue. or that part of the issue was that registration was
intentionally limited) Maybe I was wrong. But I didn't just imagine
the earlier context.

Some things about the current phab deployment could be better (e.g.
instead of just having a warning about the limited user registration
on https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/ , also have some warning at
https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/auth/start/ ).

> Perhaps you need to be a bit more civil and less bitey,


> After all you did
> link to the relevant discussion about it on Phab, it's not hard to expect
> people to want to log-in and be involved...

Sure, I expect people to want to be able to join discussions like that
where they are already happening. (vs. e.g. starting a thread about a
phab task because you can't comment directly). In the future I'll try
to remember to give the same link that Andre did on this thread.


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