On Nov 30, 2014 2:07 PM, "Gerard Meijssen" <gerard.meijs...@gmail.com>
> Hoi,
> The argument about "non-working" hours is problematic. When the only thing
> that counts are the working hours of staff in the USA you may be right. As
> it is, WIkimedia Germany has staff working at other times and they are
> affected. Affected are the non-professionals as well..
> My advise, do not go there. It is broken and it needs fixing.
> Thanks,
>       GerardM

I just simply meant that it didnt happen in the middle of the normal day of
work for the people responsible for fixing it (not neccesarily the people
affected), so there is probably going to be less relavent people around
(given its a weekend and a US holiday, although i imagine there are still
people "on-call") hence we should be gracious with our expectations. I in
no way meant to suggest it shouldnt be fixed or that it shouldnt be fixed
quickly (in fact i was trying to argue against the "go eat turkey" setiment)

I didnt think WM-DE had people working on satutdays... but volunteers
certainly do work on saturdays and were affected.

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