On Jan 16, 2015 1:05 PM, "James Forrester" <jforres...@wikimedia.org> wrote:
> [Moving threads for on-topic-ness.]
> On 16 January 2015 at 07:01, Brian Wolff <bawo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Does anyone actually have
> > anything they want that is difficult to do currently and requires a mass
> > compat break?
> ​Sure.
> ​Three quick examples of things on the horizon (I'm not particularly
> we'd actually do these for Wikimedia's use, but if you're going to ask for
> straw man arguments… :-)):
>    - ​Get rid of wikitext on the server-side.
>       - HTML storage only. Remove MWParser from the codebase. All
>       extensions that hook into wikitext (so, almost all of them?) will
need to
>       be re-written.
>    - Real-time collaborative editing.
>       - Huge semantic change to the concept of a 'revision'; we'd probably
>       need to re-structure the table from scratch. Breaking change for
> many tools
>       in core and elsewhere.
>    - Replace local PHP hooks with proper services interfaces instead.​
>    - Loads of opportunities for improvements here (anti-spam tools 'as a
>       service', Wordpress style; pre-flighting saves; ), but again,
pretty much
>       everything will need re-writing; this would likely be "progressive",
>       happening one at a time to areas where it's
> useful/wanted/needed, but it's
>       still a huge breaking change for many extensions.

Woo strawmen for me to shoot down! :)

Actually, The revision thing is fair. Its pretty engrained that a pages
have linear revisions, and each one has a single author, allowing multiple
authors or branching and remerging would probably be a big enough change to
warrant calling it 2.0. And it kind of fits, since last time structure of
revisions was really rearranged afaik was 1.5.

Without going into the merits/drawbacks of html storage - i dont see that
being rewrite worthy. Whether the blob of data in the text table/es is html
or wikitext doesnt really matter to mw. Especially with content handler.

Hooks are a very active area of code. The sort of area where i would guess
that adding an extra 20ms of time per each hook invocation to call an
external service would not be ok (since there are hundreds of hook calls in
a request). I dont think the notion of a service fits with how hooks are
used, at least for many hooks. Of course someone could make a heavier
weight version of hooks for where its a good idea. Or even just a wrapper
object that forwards things to a service. I dont think this is worthy of a

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