On 2015-02-09 2:16 AM, Erik Moeller wrote:
> This of course would add some additional payload to pages with lots of
> language links, but could help avoid results like [2] where the English
> language version of an article is #1 and the Indonesian one makes no
> appearance at all. Results vary greatly and it's hard to say how big a
> problem this is, but even if boosts discoverability of content in the
> user's language by only 10% or so, that would still be a pretty big win for
> local content.
I think we used to have <link>s in the head (though the exact
implementation may have been wrong), if it wasn't a problem then it
wouldn't be one now.

Also if it really is a problem for Wikipedia Google also supports
getting this data from the sitemap.


So if it's a problem we could upgrade the sitemap generator to include
this data (maybe as an extra parameter) and we could have a config
setting that disables the <head> output.

That should work out pretty well.
Small wiki setups don't have many language links so <link>s in the
<head> aren't an issue.
And if a wiki setup is big enough to have an issue, then it's probably
big enough to be using sitemaps.

~Daniel Friesen (Dantman, Nadir-Seen-Fire) [http://danielfriesen.name/]

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