This move is now complete. Things are working fine as best I can tell, but please file a bug or contact me if you see bad behavior. (But FIRST log out and back in, because that bug I already know about. *sigh* )

Many thanks to Sean Pringle for support with this move, and the other folks on IRC who I roped in at the last minute: Daniel Zahn, Alex Monk, and Bryan Davis. Without them this might well have been an all-nighter.


On 2/6/15 10:24 AM, Andrew Bogott wrote:
There were several short wikitech outages last week caused by heavy machine load on the server that (among other things) hosts the site. In an attempt to distribute load a bit more reasonably I'm migrating that web host to new hardware.

The transition should be fairly graceful as the new host is already up and running. There will be a few interruptions in service, though:

- During the move the new wiki will be read-only. This should only last about 10 minutes or so during the DNS switch-over.

- After the move there will almost certainly be a series of mishaps involving the labs-controlling aspects of wikitech. I'll be scrambling to fix them and don't expect to spend more than hour or so; I'll follow up with another email if the interruption is an longer than that.

- As usual, login sessions will probably be broken necessitating a fresh login to wikitech.

This is scheduled for Midnight GMT Tuesday, February 10th. That's 4PM PST on Monday.

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