On Wed, Feb 18, 2015 at 1:23 PM, Petr Bena <benap...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Can someone explain the point of these lines to me?
> https://github.com/wikimedia/mediawiki/blob/master/includes/Html.php#L269

Someone thought it would be clever to reduce page size by a few bytes here
and there. :)

In practice we always have attributes on the <html> so this would only take
effect on <head> for this particular case. However there are other bits
which can be more aggressively dropped, such as closing tags for table
parts etc.

Here's the commit that added this and related bits:

> If these tags are optional, they can be there, so why remove them? If
> you remove them, you should probably also care about them in
> closeElement() so that mediawiki doesn't produce html which has only
> ending tags for html and head.

I believe that's also covered, yes. (Keep in mind also that the way the
HTML content model works is that those elements always exist in the DOM;
the tags can simply be omitted from the markup because they are implied by
the surrounding content.)

> It seems that on WMF installation we don't use anyway as there is head
> tag. So why is it there? What purpose does it server?

I think we still have the well-formed XML mode enabled for

-- brion
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