On Mar 25, 2015 1:18 PM, "Gilles Dubuc" <gil...@wikimedia.org> wrote:
> >
> > Does this mean there will no longer be a multimedia team/nobody
> > or working on what the multimedia team was working on previously?
> >
> We'll keep supporting the extensions that multimedia used to cover, in
> terms of addressing emergencies. This will probably be done by *the people
> formerly known as multimedia*, because for now there isn't any better pick
> than people who've worked with those extensions as first responders on
> breaking issues. That might change when a reactor team is formed and
> staffed later down the line.
> As far as active development goes, some things are still in the pipeline,
> like addressing technical issues that affect UploadWizard's funnel. This
> assigned to the API team but isn't the top priority for the coming quarter
> (I think it's 3rd in the list, but someone might know better).
> More ambitious projects like structured data on commons will need a
> dedicated team. Resourcing for such projects will depend on
> organization-wide priorities.
> My humble opinion is that it's a good thing to have less catch-all teams
> like "core" and "multimedia" and rather have teams focused on narrower,
> well-understood scopes. Multimedia was a vague term and it made us spread
> ourselves thin across many unrelated extensions and projects. It also gave
> the illusion that we were going to take care of everything, but we were
> really too small to undertake ambitious things like bringing video support
> into the modern era or making commons data structured. As much as it must
> feel disappointing that these projects are on the backburner, they already
> were, because of how small the multimedia team was. Maintaining the
> illusion wasn't a good thing, I think.

I'm a little sad to hear that, but I agree 100% with what you are saying.
As the saying goes, its better to do a couple things well then to do too
many things but poorly.

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