On 8/24/15, Yaron Koren <ya...@wikiworks.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I remembered how readily "the guys" assumed that any woman there was there
>> for more than just networking and learning.  I remembered having my butt
>> pinched, my breasts "accidentally touched", my questions ignored or
>> laughed
>> at. I remember how the buzz of background conversation is always much
>> louder when the speaker is a woman than when the speaker is a man.
> All of these behaviors fall somewhere on the spectrum from rude to
> depraved, but am I correct in thinking that most of them would not actually
> be covered by a code of conduct? Ignoring or laughing at someone's
> question, for example, is certainly rude, but I can't imagine anyone
> getting officially reprimanded for it, unless there's an additional element
> of confrontation there. (I don't know if this happened at a talk or during
> an outside discussion, but either way I'd think it's the same.) Certainly
> neither the Wikimedia code of conduct as currently drafted nor the WMF
> Friendly Space Policy cover simple acts of rudeness, even if motivated by
> bias.
> -Yaron
> --
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The "I remembered having my butt pinched, my breasts 'accidentally
touched'" part would seem to fall under the proposed policy.


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