What was the publicising of the campaign prior to its launch?

It should be pretty apparent to people with experience within the
movement that this would be both entirely novel and pretty
controversial. I'd expect some amount of transparency around it (a
phabricator ticket is not, in and of itself, transparency). To
contrast, with search when we make /experimental/ modifications to the
user experience of a tiny sample (through A/B testing) we not only
list those changes in phabricator but also send explicit mailing list
announcements - and those effect a smaller chunk of our user base on a

On 1 September 2015 at 22:51, Greg Grossmeier <g...@wikimedia.org> wrote:
> <quote name="MZMcBride" date="2015-09-01" time="19:47:39 -0400">
>> It's been discussed previously both on this list and elsewhere, but for
>> better or worse the Wikimedia Foundation has an entire "Mobile apps" team
>> that pretty much exclusively works on closed platforms, as I understand
>> it. They've gone as far as to abandon Gerrit in favor of GitHub.
> For the record, it's just the iOS team that moved to Github. Android is
> still in Gerrit. The iOS move was for CI reasons (summary: we (WMF
> RelEng) can't support the OSX platform for build and test cases with any
> ease, especially vis a vis other priorities).
> https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/q/status:merged+project:apps/android/wikipedia+branch:master,n,z
> Greg
> --
> | Greg Grossmeier            GPG: B2FA 27B1 F7EB D327 6B8E |
> | identi.ca: @greg                A18D 1138 8E47 FAC8 1C7D |
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