---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kevin Leduc <ke...@wikimedia.org>
Date: Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 6:47 PM
Subject: October Lightning Talks
To: "Staff (All)" <wmf...@lists.wikimedia.org>, Engineering list <


October's Lightning Talks are in less than 2 weeks and we are looking for
more volunteers to present. Lightning Talks are an opportunity for teams @
WMF & in the Community to showcase a Quarterly Goal achieved, significant
milestone, release, or anything of significance to the rest of the
foundation and the movement as a whole. This month we will also have some
Google Summer of Code participants showcase their work on Mediawiki.

Each presentation will be 10 minutes or less, the formal part should be not
be longer than 5 minutes and the remainder can be used for questions.

Too many questions to answer in the allotted time?  No worries, your
lightning talk will be a great candidate for a future Tech Talk.

Next round of Lightning Talks:

When: Tuesday October 27, 1800 UTC
11am PDT

Where: 5th Floor

Remotees: On-Air google hangout will be provided just before the meeting

IRC: #wikimedia-tech

Sign up for a 10 minute slot here:

Kevin Leduc, Rachel Farrand, Megan Neisler
Wikitech-l mailing list

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