Hi Tilman,

After rereading that email from September, I'm still a little hazy on what
the plan is.

I see that "Starting in October, Flow will not be in active development".
But rollout of Flow will continue on an opt-in basis, I see.

I'm hazy on what is happening with regard to the ex-Flow team's focus on
helping with improvements  to structured workflows; are those workflows
with or without the involvement of Flow, and what are some examples of of
assistance to structured workflows (example: ENWP BASC?) where this team is
likely to try to improve workflows (hopefully done with local consensus)?

Is integration of other tools like Echo still planned for Flow, or has that
already happened?

I have experimented more with VE than Flow and would appreciate some
clarifications WRT what to expect from Flow as well as the other structured
collaboration goals.

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