On 16 March 2017 at 05:00, Legoktm <legoktm.wikipe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> As requested earlier, will these documents be moved to mediawiki.org or
> is it now required to use Google's proprietary software to discuss the
> architecture of MediaWiki?

If there's nothing private in there, which one can only assume there is not
since the document is world-readable, I would encourage you to Be Bold and
transfer it to mediawiki.org. That document was edited by staff, and staff
agree to release their work as CC BY-SA in their contracts, so copying it
over should be fully compliant with the licence if you link to the doc for
the history in your comment. Further edits can then be made to the page on

Google Docs is easier to spin up in the moment and edit collaboratively
than MediaWiki. Using proprietary software tools if they're a better fit
for the intended purpose is entirely consistent with the Foundation's
guiding principles
so their choice to use Google Docs makes sense to me. That said,
transferring the notes out of the doc to mediawiki.org after the moment has
passed does seem like a good idea in general.

NB: I have nothing to do with Architecture Committee, I'm just an
interested observer.


Dan Garry
Lead Product Manager, Discovery
Wikimedia Foundation
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