Hello All,

Over the past week there's been a significant increase in the number of
folks interested in participating in the upcoming Technical Debt SIG
sessions.  As a result, there's also been a fair amount of discussion on
the  challenges and value of having a large number of participants in a

Despite these potentially large numbers, I've decided to move forward with
the sessions.  However, we will be pivoting a bit on the intent of the
meeting.  I've also decided that we will offer up an IRC meeting following
the two Hangout/Bluejeans sessions for those that prefer that platform.

That being said, I think it's important to note that the Technical Debt SIG
is more than a meeting.  The plan is to provide many avenues of engagement
in an attempt to be as inclusive as possible.  What this means is that you
need not worry about "missing out" if you don't attend a SIG session.
You'll have access to the same information through other collaborative
channels such as Wiki pages, newsletters, Google docs, etc...

For the this week's sessions, consider them a Kickoff for the Technical
Debt SIG and general information sharing about the Technical Debt program.
Again, all this information is or will be available via other channels as
well.  We encourage you to participate in a way that suits your style best.

Agenda -

- Purpose of the Tech Debt SIG
- Overview of Tech Debt program
- What to expect moving forward
- Q&A


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