= 2017-11-08 =
== Callouts ==
* No MW Train the week of the 20th due to Thanksgiving, SWATs will be open
on Mon and Tuesday (Wednesday is “Friday” that week).
* RelEng: Please port your browser tests to the nodejs framework. 7
repositories have not started yet (still in ruby, which is no longer
maintained). [ task]
* Tidy replacement: if you are an editor on some wiki, please get the word
out to your wikis to fix the high-priority linter issues. We want to get
Tidy removed from the cluster sooner than later.A bunch of wikis (including
mediawiki) no longer have Tidy, and a few 100 small wikis can get Tidy
replaced based on stats about linter issues (
But would be good to get some largish wikis moved over so we can identify
any lingering problems sooner than later.

== Audiences ==
=== Readers ===
==== iOS native app ====
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
** 5.7.1 in the app store today (minor bug fixes)
** Continuing work on 5.8 - (faster article loads,
synced reading lists)

==== Android native app ====
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
** Released version 2.6.206 to production.
** Continuing to test / integrate with Reading List service.

==== Reading Web ====
* Blocked by:
** Ops&Release engineering - How to use Chromium in Puppeteer []+
*** Currently investigating on path forward in
* Blocking:
* Updates:
** Working on the Chromium-based PDF renderer service.
*** Starting performance testing within two weeks.
** Researching behaviour around the "Download to PDF" button [,]
** Working product and technical documentation for Marvin

==== Reading Infrastructure ====
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
** Continuing work on MCS summary, media (gallery) endpoints.
** Continuing with Reading Lists

==== Multimedia ====
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:

==== Discovery ====
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
    ** continuing work on portal automation. going well.

===== Maps =====
* Blocked by: N/A
* Blocking: N/A
* Updates: None

=== Contributors ===
==== Editing ====
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:

==== Parsing ====
* section + figure-inline + html5-ids changes aren't going out this week
after all -- reviews not yet finalized + we need thorough testing in beta
cluster. We are still hoping to get it out next week.
* Tidy replacement: if you are an editor on some wiki, please get the word
out to your wikis to fix the high-priority linter issues. We want to get
Tidy removed from the cluster sooner than later.  A bunch of wikis
(including mediawiki) no longer have Tidy, and a few 100 small wikis can
get Tidy replaced based on stats about linter issues

==== Global Collaboration ====
* Blocked by: nobody
* Blocking: ops maybe? There's the Flow dumps issue but not sure how much
of a blocker that is
* Updates:
** Going to roll out RCFilters to remaining (FlaggedRevs) wikis on Nov 15
** Early work on using wikitext instead of HTML for storing Flow content,
need something like pcache except 1) it's Parsoid HTML not PHP HTML 2) Flow
comments aren't pages

==== UI Standardization ====
** OOUI v0.24.1 & v0.24.2 released (missed last week's Scrum of Scrums),;v0.24.2;
among changes:
*** UI design
**** WikimediaUI theme with 3 changes: SVG markup (see below),
MenuSectionOptionWidget clearer on long lists and ComboBoxInputWidget
providing stronger user feedback on open
* Ongoing:
** OOUI & relying products:
*** icons: Work on icon set to be more harmonious and align to WikimediaUI
Style Guide's guidelines
** Unify SVG markup across Foundation products

=== Community Tech ===
* Not blocking
* Not blocked
* Our annual survey is underway:
* Fixing issues uncovered by Unicode sections rollout to Russian projects

== Technology ==
=== Analytics ===
* New kafka Jumbo cluster is up, for now mirror-ing topics from analytics
* New DB hosts for eventlogging back in place, purging data out of
compliance at a faster rate due to better hardware.
* We have spark2 in cluster!
* Still troubleshooting metric difference wikistats 1.0 on wikistats 2.0.
Take a look edit metrics available now (some of them have a 5% difference,
so not final yet):
* Work on refining eventlogging data in hadoop continues so hadoop can be a
easy to query backend for eventlogging data

=== Cloud Services ===
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:

=== Fundraising Tech ===
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
** Deploying new English thank you letter
** Payments form validation improvements (
** Better API error handling for backup card processor (
** More stats reporting to prometheus
** CiviCRM UI improvements (,,
** CentralNotice: allow delaying impression reporting (

=== MediaWiki Platform ===
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:

=== Performance ===
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:

=== Release Engineering ===
* Blocking
** ???
* Blocked
** Please port your browser tests to the nodejs framework. 7 repositories
have not started yet (still in ruby, which is no longer maintained).
*** See:
*** Notably: Global Collaboration Team, Fundraising Tech, Wikibase, and
* Updates
** No MW Train the week of the 20th due to Thanksgiving, SWATs will be open
on Mon and Tuesday (Wednesday is “Friday” that week).
** [TechDebt program] First pass of the service levels for component
ownership was shared with the Code Health Group last week; feedback
** [TechDebt program] The next blog post should be posted Real Soon Now™
(done on our side).
** [SSD Program] Working on getting the mathoid tests running on submit.
** [SSD Program] A new release of Blubber is on the horizon.
*** [SSD Program] Aside: what it is:
*** [SSD Program] Bubber:
** [scap tech debt] Working to support both pre git-2.11 and post git 2.11
hosts (namely Trusty and Jessie (with backports)/Stretch, respectively) to
let us use newer functionality (notably `--jobs`).
** [CI] Most tox jobs are moved to Docker containers
** [CI] Investigating why many docker containers are left behind after a

=== Research ===
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:

=== Scoring Platform ===
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
**frwiki -- ongoing issue. (should
be fixed by SOS)
**Draft quality data is coming to English Wikipedia (ping Commtech and
Global Collab)
***You can use this to help patrollers sort new pages by (Spam, Attach,
Vandalism/Hoax, or OK).  OK == not immediately concerning but not
necessarily good.
***[Reponse from Roan: we don't plan to use draftquality directly at this
**Wikilabels getting some improvements.
***Links to on-wiki documentation for each campaign ("info" link)
***Statistics about labelers will have usernames
**Amir is working on Icelandic language support.

=== Search Platform ===
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
** Added hiragana<->katakana translations for English wiki (not for
Japanese one)
** Implemented demoting disambig pages for Wikidata prefix search
** Improved reusability of Searcher code
** Improving completion suggester
** Working on porting Selenium tests from Ruby to JS
** Working on upgrade to Elastic 5.5
** Working on indexing Wikidata descriptions and adding them to fulltext

=== Security ===
* Blocked by: None
* Blocking: Everyone waiting for security reviews
* Updates:
** Reviews:
*** BeautifulSoup (done, comments will be added shortly)
*** vue.js (done, same)
*** mediawiki-services-chromium-render
** Preparing for MW security release

=== Services ===
* Blocked by: none
* Blocking: none
* Updates:
** Parsoid storage switched to new storage model for all but wikipedias
** Definitions storage switched to new model
** Planning on switching RecordLintJob to kafka-based JobQueue

=== Technical Operations ===
* Blocked by:
** Flow isAllowed gets actual revision text before it is needed
* Blocking:
* Updates:
** labsdb1001 storage crashed; Manuel got the dbs back up, but we are
leaving in read-only -
** Turning up s8 databases for wikidata
** wikidiff2 1.5.1 fully rolled out, enabled for group0 wikis, additional
will be enabled by Adam Shoreland over the next weeks

== Wikidata ==
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
** getting rid of the Wikidata build (to deploy Wikibase etc. as normal
*** changed how JS libraries are included (as submodules, instead of via
* work on Lexeme (persistence)
* work on multi-content revisions
* Coordinates in RDF exports are going to use xsd:double:

== German Technical Wishlist ==
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
Wikitech-l mailing list

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