= 2018-02-28 =
*please come prepared with status of quarterly goal dependencies*

== Callouts ==
* Fundraising campaign in Sweden2018-02-06 - 2018-03-06 and Italy
2018-02-01- 2018-02-27:
* Review from Wikidata search:
* MediaWiki Platform: We received a request from Legal to collaborate on a
Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) in response to a request
from the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, since they want to use MediaWiki
and need a VPAT in order to do so. We have begun reaching out to people to
see what is necessary to make this happen. If anybody has familiarity with
creating a VPAT, please reach out to Cindy Cicalese.

== Audiences ==
=== Readers ===
==== iOS native app ====
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
** Continuing work on 5.8.0 - Synced Reading Lists (

==== Android native app ====
* Blocked by: Reading Lists schema/api deployments
* Blocking:
* Updates:
** Finalizing work on reading lists sync (completed user testing, ready for

==== Readers Web ====
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
*Quarterly goal dependency update:
** Increase learning by lowering the cost of exploration
*** Reading Web/Performance

** Continue improving the ways that users can download articles of interest
for later consumption
*** Reading Web: Tech Ops/RelEng

==== Readers Infrastructure ====
* Blocked by:
** SRE on Reading Lists schema change
** Wikidata on code review for description overrides
* Blocking:
** Android on Reading Lists beta
* Updates:

==== Multimedia ====
* Updates
** Extension:3D on all wikis (to support embedding files; not allow uploads)
** MediaInfo work progressing
** SDC search work progressing
* Quarterly goal dependency update
** Prepare backend infrastructure for structured data search
*** SDC: Search PF/Multimedia/Wikidata
** Wikimedia Technology/Goals/2017-18 Q3#Segment 2: Search integration and
*** SDC: Research/Multimedia
** Prepare backend infrastructure for structured data search
*** SDC: Search PF/Multimedia/Wikidata

=== Contributors ===
==== Community Tech ====
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
** Pings from summary going to production in a week or two
** Thanks for log entries progressing well

==== Anti-Harassment Tools ====
* Blocked by: None
* Blocking: None
* Updates:
** Continuing work on Interaction Timeline (
** Start Work on Blocking Tools

==== Editing ====
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
** Updates: VIsual diffs, auto-save

==== Maps ====
* Blocked by: Services
* Blocking: None
** Updates

==== Parsing ====
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
** Reminder: RFC discussion today about whitespace stripping and Tidy ( )
** Linter: some requested features and replacing estimated counts with more
accurate counts is stalled for a bit. Kunal is overcommitted and cannot
work on it. We are investigating what we could do that doesn't require too
many db schema changes, but will pick it up soon.
*Quarterly goal dependency update:
** Support work towards unifying MediaWiki's parser implementations, in
liaison with Technology's MediaWiki team
*** Parsing:Mediawiki PF/Services
*** Platform -- in regular discussion with Tim / Kunal; Linter dependency
(update as above)
*** Services -- in regular discussion with them; They need to figure out
storage / cache issues for variants and whether they need any special API
end points on the Parsoid end.

==== Collaboration ====
* Blocked by:
* Blocking: SRE on Flow dumps
* Updates:
** Flow dumps work on the back burner right now because of urgent things
that came up
** ORES deployed to svwiki and simplewiki on Monday, going to eswiki and
eswiktionary on Wednesday
** Flow beta feature opt-outs are broken again, looks like it's caused by
MCR changes but we're not sure, still stumped. Going to investigate this
next week.

==== Language ====
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:

=== Audiences Design ===
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
* Quarterly goal dependency update:
** Audiences Design Standardise our user interfaces to match user
expectation of quality from our products
*** Audiences Design: Ops

==== UI Standardization ====
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
** No OOUI rel this week, but several changes on build process already in
master, thanks to OOUI contributors
*** Also merged is “align toolbar items' focus to widgets elsewhere” will be in next week's rel
** Style Guide:
*** more build updates, and improved contributors' documentation and
*** Additions to “Illustrations” section
*** Upcoming are content changes on “Color palette” and “Typography“

== Technology ==
=== Analytics ===
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
* Quarterly goal dependency update:
**Improve, adjust, or create features geared at the needs identified in New
Editors research project.
*** New Editors Experience:Analytics

=== Cloud Services ===
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:

=== Fundraising Tech ===
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
** Getting close to real-money tests on new API for main card processor
** Making our Civi geocoding available as a standard extension, fixing
other geo-search Civi stuff
** Kicking off CentralNotice consultations with performance team
** Processing batch refunds for donors affected by confusing recurring

=== MediaWiki Platform ===
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
** Actor table: merged!
*** Working to update extensions that need updating due to changes in core
tables for the actor table patch
** Comment table
*** follow up schema change still in progress
*** WRITE_BOTH enabled on group 1, will probably be enabled everywhere this
** TemplateStyles: VE breakage was found and fixed
** We received a request from Legal to collaborate on a Voluntary Product
Accessibility Template (VPAT) in response to a request from the US Nuclear
Regulatory Commission, since they want to use MediaWiki and need a VPAT in
order to do so. We have begun reaching out to people to see what is
necessary to make this happen.
*Quarterly goal dependency update:
** Support work towards unifying MediaWiki's parser implementations, in
liaison with Technology's MediaWiki team
*** Parsing:Mediawiki PF/Services
* Reduce product and technical debt to modernise our tools and
technologies, and to make future changes more effective and efficient
*** Parsing/Mediawiki PF
**1.1 It is possible to store structured data within wiki pages, in
particular on media file pages on Commons. We will enable the MediaWiki
storage layer to correctly store and process structured data elements
within wiki pages.
*** SDC: Mediawiki PF/Wikidata

=== Performance ===
* Blocked by:
** N/A
* Blocking:
** Analytics, need to get ZMQ turned off for our final app so they can
disable the crossloader
* Updates:
** Met w/ FRTech about CentralNotice, about to kick of performance
** Moved WebPageTest collection to running on Linux, teams that use WPT
metrics (Reading, Portal) will need to switch their dashboards.  Peter will
write up instructions and email a link to them out later in the week.
** Private wiki Thumbor deployed.  Wiki writeup on that published.
Completes a quarterly goal.
** mcrouter deploy has been potentially scrapped due to SRE concerns about
the project state (no maintenance releases, etc).  Evaluating pushing
forward with Dynomite instead.  Puts a Quarterly Goal for Multi-DC at risk.
** ResourceLoader dropped Grade A support for IE10
** Pubished lit review of existing Performance Perception studies:
** Deploying NavTiming collection for Singapore and a few other countries
in order to support new cache site rollout

=== Release Engineering ===
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
*Quarterly goal dependency update:
** Continue improving the ways that users can download articles of interest
for later consumption
*** Reading Web: Tech Ops/RelEng
** Update:

=== Research ===
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
*Quarterly goal dependency update:
** Wikimedia Technology/Goals/2017-18 Q3#Segment 2: Search integration and
*** SDC: Research/Multimedia
** Update:

=== Scoring Platform ===
* Blocked by: Security - JADE extension security review
* Blocking: None
* Updates:
** Working with word embeddings (word2vec) to make predictions more
accurate and utilize NLP more -- we know Search is also interested in word
** Automating makefile generation for building AI models -- this will make
our model building environment more scale-able and add support for more
wikis and more models faster
** We're working with Collab on auditing ORES filters deployments:
** MVP deployment of JADE to beta cluster coming (post security review --
Blocked on that)

=== Search Platform ===
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:

   - Improved wiktionary sister search relevancy by switching to title

   - Added regex search for intitle:

   - Kafka poller for WDQS merged, testing:

   - Had some issues with categories sync to WDQS, fixed & added monitoring
   to it:

   - Working on query parsing refactoring:

   - Working on Serbian analyzer for ES:

   - Working on making Wikidata items appear in completion searches faster:

*Quarterly goal dependency update:
** Prepare backend infrastructure for structured data search
*** SDC: Search PF/Multimedia/Wikidata
** Update:

=== Security ===
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:

=== Services ===
* Blocked by: none
* Blocking: none
* Updates:
** New HTML summary is still being slowly rolled out in collaboration with
Reading, prepared to pull next switch whenever
** refreshLinks job switched to kafka for all but wikipedias and
wiktionaries. Monitoring potential issues
** cdnPurge job will be switched this week
** Kudos to Luca and Analytics for deploying burrow kafka lag monitoring
*Quarterly goal dependency update:
** Parsoid: designing the storage for language variants

=== Site Reliability Engineering ===
* Blocked by:
** Collaboration on Flow dumps per usual
* Blocking:
** Reading-Web on chromium-render deploy
* Updates:
** Working on getting eqsin (Singapore) live
** 2 issues with HHVM and mediawiki last week caused very minor outages ( )
** A lot of hardware refreshing ongoing

*Quarterly goal dependency update:
** Continue improving the ways that users can download articles of interest
for later consumption
*** Reading Web: Tech Ops/RelEng
** Update: chromium-render deploy new service request came in, internal
discussions started
** Audiences DesignStandardise our user interfaces to match user
expectation of quality from our products
*** Audiences Design: Ops
** Update:

== Wikidata ==
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
** Aware of (review of SHORTDESC
magic word and API)
** Aware of (Search requesting final
* Updates:
** Incident report on QualityConstraints caching:
** Readable links for Lexeme references used in Statements:
** Disable Senses for the first Lexeme release:
*Quarterly goal dependency update:
**1.1 It is possible to store structured data within wiki pages, in
particular on media file pages on Commons. We will enable the MediaWiki
storage layer to correctly store and process structured data elements
within wiki pages.
*** SDC: Mediawiki PF/Wikidata
** Update:
* Recent patch by the Multimedia team unblocked and ready.
** Prepare backend infrastructure for structured data search
*** SDC: Search PF/Multimedia/Wikidata
** Update:

== German Technical Wishlist ==
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
Wikitech-l mailing list

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