Dear all,
I thank you for your efforts. I am working on a research project to ameliorate 
linked data quality of Wikidata. I am looking for a develop who can create 
Gadget tools like Merge that can be implemented on Wikidata to adjust common 
deficiencies. I have several ideas on how to develop the Gadget tools. But, I 
lack the skills needed to do that. I ask if someone can join our research 
project and create the tools for our work. I will attend Wikimania from 16 to 
18 August 2019 and I will be honoured to meet him during the conference.
Yours Sincerely,
Houcemeddine Turki (he/him)
Medical Student, Faculty of Medicine of Sfax, University of Sfax, Tunisia
Undergraduate Researcher, UR12SP36
GLAM and Education Coordinator, Wikimedia TN User Group
Member, WikiResearch Tunisia
Member, Wiki Project Med
Member, WikiIndaba Steering Committee
Member, Wikimedia and Library User Group Steering Committee
Co-Founder, WikiLingua Maghreb
Founder, TunSci
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