On Thu, Aug 29, 2019 at 1:46 PM Aryeh Gregor <a...@aryeh.name> wrote:

> On Thu, Aug 29, 2019 at 1:02 AM Krinkle <krinklem...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > What did you want to assert in this test?
> In a proper unit test, I want to completely replace all non-value
> classes with mocks, so that they don't call the actual class' code.
> This way I can test the class under test without making assumptions
> about other classes' behavior.
Using createMock() for an interface or class makes sense to me mostly for
external dummies that are requires for some reason (an anti-pattern that I
think should be avoided. If such a dependency is truly optional and of the
fire-and-forget type, it should have a no-op implementation that is used by
default, like we do with Loggers.

For anything else, it doesn't really work in my experience because PHPUnit
won't actually provide a valid implementation of the interface. It returns
null for anything, which is usually not a valid implementation of the
contract the class under test depends on. As a result, you end up with
hundreds of lines of phpunit-mockery to basically reimplement the
dependency's general functionality from scratch, every time. I have seen
this too many times and fail to see the added value for all that complexity
and maintenance, compared to simply letting the actual class do its work.
Practically speaking, what kind of problem would that test methodology
catch? I believe others may have a valid answer to this, but I haven't yet
seen it. Perhaps it's a source of problems I tend to prevent by other
means. There's more than one way to catch most problems :)

You can draw from that that my definition of "unit" and "integration" are
probably different from yours. To me a unit is a single class, but I think
it's fine to be given other class objects. I see each unit an isolated
subtree, a controlled environment where all dependencies are known,
explicitly specified, injected, and have no side-effects after the test is
done apart from within the objects you created for that test.

-- Timo
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