Am 18.09.19 um 16:27 schrieb Tom Schulze:
> Am I missing something that the core content models are not in the
> initial database table 'content_models'? Is this table not filled during
> the installation procedure?

No. The table is filled on demand, when the first revision using that model is
written to the database.

> Is it actually bad advice to insert the rows manually?

Generally, yes. But adding things to that table should not do any harm.
Modifying things would, however.

> I then install extensions, run update.php, and import a couple pages,
> templates, etc. When setting up Cargo's _pageData table using the
> setCargoPageData.php script at a later stage I get the following error
> (see backtrace at the very bottom).
> Failed to access name from content_models using id = 2

This implies that *something* got the ID 2 for that content model already from
somewhere. That ID can really only come from an insert to the content_models
table - if it's not in the table, that's an indication that it was somehow lost.

There have been reports of similar problems with the slots table. Please add
your experience to the ticket here:

There is a patch up that should safeguard against my best guess at the cause of
this. If you can provide additional insights as to exactly how this may happen,
please do!

Daniel Kinzler
Principal Software Engineer, Core Platform
Wikimedia Foundation

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