Thanks for sharing updates, physikerwelt.

( )

On Sat, Dec 28, 2019 at 10:41 AM Physikerwelt <> wrote:

> Dear all,
> a minor update on hyperlinks in formulae~[1]:
> The demo on the beta cluster works quite well.
> There is just one minor problem~[2], which seems to a problem within
> wikibase, which will hopefully be resolved as wikibase improves
> without any changes to the Math extension codebase.
> As a next step, we will enable the feature by default~[3]. This will
> have no impact as the qid-attribute is not set on any formulae in
> production wikis currently.
> While we were hoping that the change to the popup extension that André
> contributed would be merged, we will need to plan more time to discuss
> this change with the maintainer of the popups extension. However, a
> first step was successful, and we could identify who is responsible
> for the popups extension~[4].
> Any feedback or suggestions are highly appreciated.
> All the best
> Moritz (physikerwelt)
> [1]:
> [2]:
> [3]:
> [4]:
> | +49 1578 047 1397
> On Sat, Nov 16, 2019 at 8:00 PM Physikerwelt <> wrote:
> >
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I was happy to be invited by the Wikimedia Foundation to the Wikimedia
> > Technical Conference 2019 in Atlanta~[1]. At this conference, I
> represented
> > the technical needs of the mathematical community~[2]. Apart from a lot
> of
> > great achievements for the whole Wikimedia movement with regard to the
> five
> > focus areas of the conference~[3], there were also several math-specific
> > achievements. In this message, I will focus on those aspects:
> >
> > 1) Bold italic capital greek symbols are now possible. Please join me in
> > thanking Petr Kadlec (aka. Mormegil) for his perennial effort to make
> this
> > possible~[4].
> >
> > 2) We will - very soon - have a demo on the Wikimedia beta cluster
> enabling
> > links from formulae to a dedicated special page that displays
> definitions and
> > explanations regarding mathematical objects of interest, i.e.,
> identifiers,
> > symbols, terms. Thank you André Greiner-Petter for the implementation of
> this
> > feature~[5].
> >
> > 3) In a session on 'Integrating contributions from other teams or
> volunteers`
> > organized by Christoph Jauera (aka. Fisch). We derived definitive action
> items
> > on improving the participation opportunities to the Math on wikis~[6].
> >
> > 4) We discussed the future of Math rendering with Petr Pchelko (WMF)
> which
> > will simplify the setup of mathoid and eventually get rid of fallback
> images
> > while maintaining support for MathML disabled browsers~[7].
> >
> > I am grateful to the Wikimedia Foundation and the organizers of the
> event, in
> > particular, Rachel and Greg to get the chance to enjoy this
> well-organized
> > conference with amazing people and a wonderful program.
> >
> > All the best
> > Moritz (physikerwelt)
> >
> > | +49 1578 047 1397
> >
> >
> > [1]:
> > [2]:
> > [3]:
> > [4]:
> > [5]:
> > [6]:
> > [7]:
> >
> > Some more details on item 4, from my personal, biased perspective:
> >
> > I started working on the Math extension in 2012 and implemented the
> > main functionality
> > of the new rendering method which is based on MathJax rather
> > than on LaTeX in 2013 at the Wikimedia Foundations Headquarter in San
> > Francisco. At that time the vision was to replace the monolithic PHP
> based
> > framework MediaWiki, with a large number of small dynamic JavaScript
> modules.
> > The idea was that those modules are developed as isomorphic
> platform-independent
> > components using interfaces of a management framework that takes
> > care of caching and efficient execution. The long-term goal was that the
> > functionality could be executed either on the client or on the server
> and that
> > the management layer would figure out the best execution strategy based
> on the
> > current prerequisites. In the first step, a framework based on HTTP
> requests was
> > set up to handle services such as math rendering. Mathoid the math
> rendering
> > service was one of the first instances of this service template. From the
> > retro perspective that might have been too early. Neither a convenient
> type and
> > schema description language existed, nor a way to specify rich metadata
> on the
> > execution characteristics existed. However, a fine-grained I/O schema
> seems
> > desirable for implementing robust and durable services. Moreover, rich
> > metadata on the execution characteristics such as runtime, memory
> footprint,
> > I/O data distributions seem required to allow an execution management
> layer
> > for effective execution strategy planning. After the services went into
> > production schema improvement was difficult and never happened.
> >
> > Today, it seems pretty certain that MediaWiki will be PHP based for the
> > foreseeable future. Given this situation, we did now plan to improve Math
> > support by making the best use of the build-in MediaWiki core
> functionality. We
> > will rely on the MediaWiki core caching functionality to continue
> providing an
> > instant user perception of math rendering and continue using a stateless
> > node-based math rendering service. Our hope is that by incorporating the
> 'new`
> > MathJax 3 rendering mode 'common HTML` also MathML disabled browsers
> will be
> > able to display high-quality mathematical formulae without to rely on
> > disturbing images. We plan to enable this rendering mode as opt-in in a
> first
> > step and thereafter have a community vote if the new imageless rendering
> mode
> > should become the default. If that won't work, we will need to
> > evaluate inline SVG
> > images that would require either SVG or JavaScript support on the client.
> > Given the situation that only a very small number of visitors use
> browsers
> > that neither support SVG images nor allow JavaScript this second
> alternative
> > seems to an ethical option as well.
> >
> > I will update the associated ticket phabricator ticket~[7] as soon as we
> have
> > derived a more detailed plan for the implementation.
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