Datavalues with complex structure (time, quantity, globecoordinate) have 
properties (e.g. latitude, longitude, precision, amount, unit, etc.) that link 
from a node that is the value of a statement, reference, or qualifier. In my 
question, I'm going to refer to those nodes as "value nodes".

When performing a SPARQL query at the WD Query Service (example:, these value nodes are identified by an IRI such as wdv: 
( The local 
name part of this IRI seems to be a hash of something. However, when I compare 
the hash values from the snak JSON returned from the API for the same value 
node (see for 
the example), the hash associated with the value node 
(35976d7cb070b06a2dec1482aaca2982df3fedd4 in this case) does not have any 
relationship to the local name part if the IRI for that value node.

This situation differs from that of identifiers for references, whose IRIs 
(wdref:8eb6208639efa82b5e7e4c709b7d18cbfca67411 = in 
this example) are clearly formed from the hash associated with the reference 
hash in the snak JSON returned from the API 

I am using the JSON returned by the API after writing new data to track those 
data at a later time via the Query Service. So I would like to know if there is 
a way that the value node IRIs can be determined from information in the JSON 
returned from the API. This is easy to do for reference and statement IRIs, but 
is not obvious for value nodes.

Steve Baskauf

Steven J. Baskauf, Ph.D.
Data Science and Data Curation Specialist
Jean & Alexander Heard Libraries, Vanderbilt University
Nashville, TN 37235, USA

Office: Eskind Biomedical Library, EMB 111
Phone: (615) 343-4582

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