Hello all,

As the Wikimania Hackathon is fast approaching, this message is another
reminder to start proposing projects and sessions using the guidelines in
the original email on this thread.

Particularly for the sessions, you may look at the ones scheduled already
and the slots available so far here: <
https://wikimania.wikimedia.org/wiki/2021:Hackathon/Schedule> [1].


[1] https://wikimania.wikimedia.org/wiki/2021:Hackathon/Schedule

On Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 11:43 AM Srishti Sethi <sse...@wikimedia.org> wrote:

> Hello all,
> This email is a reminder to start proposing projects and sessions for this
> year’s Wikimania hackathon, taking place on August 13th (the first day of
> Wikimania). You may have already seen the announcement email last week with
> all the details.
> This year’s hackathon will take place in a 24 hrs format covering all time
> zones. You can start proposing a session or a project by following the
> guidelines here: <
> https://wikimania.wikimedia.org/wiki/2021:Hackathon#Propose_a_project_or_a_session>
> [1].
> We also encourage folks to reuse the video of a previously recorded
> session (in lecture format) to organize a watch party-style session. And,
> you can pause during or after for questions and discussions. That way, you
> have to do less prep, and one can watch your session at any time during the
> event.
> There isn't a specific focus area proposed this time, so your session or
> project needn't fit under a theme. Anything that involves MediaWiki
> development or covers a technical area in the Wikimedia ecosystem. Plus, we
> welcome sessions that would be helpful to newcomers–new to the event, our
> technical spaces, or projects.
> If you have any questions, feel free to use the related talk page to
> contact the organizing team or join the community conversation on Telegram:
> <https://t.me/wikimaniachat> [2].
> We look forward to your participation!
> Cheers,
> Srishti
> On behalf of the Wikimania Hackathon organizing team
> [1]
> https://wikimania.wikimedia.org/wiki/2021:Hackathon#Propose_a_project_or_a_session
> [2] https://t.me/wikimaniachat
> *Srishti Sethi*
> Senior Developer Advocate
> Wikimedia Foundation <https://wikimediafoundation.org/>
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