> On 5. May 2023, at 17:30, Slavina Stefanova <sstefan...@wikimedia.org> wrote:
>> Tangent: is it worthwhile to establish a consensus for best practices with 
>> package pinning and package management for Python projects in the Wikimedia 
>> ecosystem? When I last worked on a python project 
>> (https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Add_Link) I found it confusing that we 
>> have so many different tools and approaches for doing these things, and 
>> seems like we'd benefit from having a standard, supported way. (Or maybe 
>> that already exists and I haven't found it?)
> I'm working on an "Essential Tools for Managing Python Development 
> Environments 
> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pl6QCDWGebGjRrHixgQNES8qRf-8PCzwLSsFj7jI1HY/edit#heading=h.i5ou2ywgmb09>"
>  tutorial that will be published to the wikis when ready. Maybe that could be 
> expanded upon? In my experience though, it can be hard to get people to agree 
> on following a standard, especially when there are so many different options 
> and many folks already have their favorite tools and workflows. But it would 
> be nice to have a set of recommendations to reduce the cognitive load. 

Having something like that on wiki would be great. Thanks for working on it!

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