Hi again,

my quick test with 5.15.8 I have mentioned in my previous post was probably too quick (I wrongly set up 64bit build), here are updated results:

1/ tests results for 32bit-gcc
    - crash (segfault in UNIX words) in re/reg_eval_scope.t
    - crash (segfault in UNIX words) in op/fork.t
- tests hang up in ../cpan/CPANPLUS-Dist-Build/t/02_CPANPLUS-Dist-Build.t

The crashes are "new" the hang up I have already experienced with 5.14.x - http://www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.perl5.porters/2011/04/msg171428.html and

2/ tests results for 64bit-gcc
    - crashes (more than one) in re/reg_eval_scope.t
    - crash in op/fork.t
- some strange error during op/taint.t (maybe something broken on my Win7 box)
    - one failed test in ../ext/Pod-Html/t/cache.t

3/ pointer-to-int and int-to-pointer casting warnings with 64bit-gcc

"Only" approx 60 occurrences in the following files:
- pp_pack.c (3x)
- RealPPPort.xs (1x)
- POSIX.xs (1x)
- Socket.xs (7x)
- Storable.xs (more than 40)

4/ in order to have NDBM_File + ODBM_File in strawberry perl we need these two extra files in perl core tarball:
mentioned in my RT https://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=71680 (please consider including them in 5.16.0)


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