-----Original Message----- From: L. Walsh
Sent: Saturday, March 07, 2015 5:21 PM
To: sisyph...@optusnet.com.au
Cc: Strawberry Perl
Subject: Re: Mixing of forward and back slashes in paths?

And if you do:
$^X = "C:\Strawberry\perl\bin\perl.exe";
I don't do it -- perl does it. Look at the listing for PERL5LIB at the bottom of the report:

The setting of these things are determined by what's in the perl source distro and ought therefore be dealt with at the perl source level - so it needs to be achieved by patching the perl source (and perhaps some of the core modules). I build perl from source myself - and see the same mixture of forward and backward slashes in paths. I don't see it as being Strawberry's responsibility to deal with this (but I have no official position with the Strawberry project).

On Windows 7, I strike occasions where forward slashes are unworkable and need to be replaced by backslashes - so I'd be very annoyed if perl were ever to forbid the backslash in a path (or automatically convert it to a forward slash).

Here's an example of forward slashes being unworkable on my Windows 7 box. It relies on the existence of ../doc.txt.

use warnings;
use strict;

my $f1 = '../doc.txt';
my $f2 = "../doc.txt";
my $f3 = '..\doc.txt';
my $f4 = "..\\doc.txt";

# will fail
warn "failed to copy $f1 to dac.txt"
 if system 'copy', $f1, 'dac.txt';

# will fail
warn "failed to copy $f2 to dec.txt"
 if system 'copy', $f2, 'dec.txt';

# will succeed
warn "failed to copy $f3 to dic.txt"
 if system 'copy', $f3, 'dic.txt';

# will succeed
warn "failed to copy $f4 to duc.txt"
 if system 'copy', $f4, 'duc.txt';


I don't know if the behaviour I see from this script is common.

Even if perl were to convert the backslash to forward slash for display purposes only, I would be very annoyed. If I were to "say $f1;" in the above script, I would expect to see what's actually there - namely "..\doc.txt".

But it's not me you need to convince about this - it's p5p .... or kmx (who does have an official position with the Strawberry project).

I suspect it's now too late for either p5p or kmx to do anything about this for the upcoming 5.22 - maybe take it up in the next round of blead releases (5.23) ?


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