C:\_64\strawberry5.24.1>perldoc perldoc
Invalid parameter - -R
And it's the same for any other perldoc doc request (unless the requested
documentation cannot be found).
This problem has been discussed on perlbug (
https://rt.perl.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=130759 ) and raised on
rt.cpan.org ( https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=116953 )
Just raising it here mainly as an FYI.
Strawberry-5.24.1 shipped with Pod-Perldoc-3.27, though the official
perl-5.24.1 release shipped with 3.25_03.
I think (unchecked) that 3.25_03 does not exhibit the bug - which would make
this particular issue Strawberry-specific.
(I know that version 3.25_02 does not exhibit the bug.)