
On Fri, Oct 25, 2002 at 06:20:56AM +0000, Christensen Tom wrote:
> Obviously wine is still being actively developed,
> and I know its not close to "done" however, I want to get involved, I know 
> C/C++ and have a pretty good grasp of windows apis, I'm just wondering is 
> there a place (kinda like in the Mono project they have a tree laid out with 
> all of the classes/functions that are in the .NET runtime, and they have 
> them marked done, being worked on, not started...)  So I'm wondering if wine 
> has anything similar? or should i just pick a function, and see if its done 
Well, such a page dosn't exist but you can get that info i some
different ways:
- functions not implemented at all:
  find $path_to_wine -name \*.spec | xargs grep stub
- grep for FIXME for not fully/corect implemented functions
- take a look at http://bugs.winehq.com, especialy at the "Tasklists"
- or take your favorite windows program and make it run perfectly

> already by searching through the source?  At any rate, wine should have a 
> nice concise place to look and see if wine has certain functions 
> implimented..

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