On Saturday 04 January 2003 03:58 pm, Eric Pouech wrote:
> > o Failure in the child process doesn't cause failure of
> >   the test (is there someone else who has this solved
> >   for their test whose code I can borrow?)
> couldn't you test the output of GetExitProcess (and ensure that when
> a test fails, we somehow return an error code) ?

yes.  (duh :) )

> > o rpcss.exe.so runs from the INSTALLED wine, not from
> >   the build tree!! This is totally unacceptable, but
> >   I'm not sure what would be a wise way to solve the
> >   problem. I need to change the way rpcss gets invoked
> >   by rpcrt4.dll. The best I can think of so far, would
> >   be to provide some global override (via a function
> >   call, I guess) for where rpcss.exe.so should be found,
> >   and then use this "feature" to ensure that during testing,
> >   rpcss.exe.so is invoked from the build tree instead of
> >   from the PATH environment variable. Any thoughts on this?
> what about an environment variable ?
> we already use something like this for the wineserver (WINESERVER),
> the wine console (WINECONSOLE)... why not rpcss (WINERPCSS) ?

hmmm... will take a look at those, thanks.

> > o There's a way to tell midl to deal with these namespace
> >   issues automagically so that the same .exe can be it's
> >   own client and server without a namespace conflict....
> >   anyone know of such a feature?
> there isn't is ATM
> however, MS' midl has a /prefix option that does just what you need
> sounds like the way to go

neato.  sounds like a guaranteed winner :)

> (another solution would be to put either client or server in a DLL
> (in fact a wine builtin DLL) so that you separate the name space
> between to two

nice, also, maybe nicer... but surely this does not belong in "./dlls"?  
Will the makebeastie let me put it somewhere discreet like 

I kind of like the latter, also, because it allows me to kick around 
gazillions of conflicting namespaces, if need be.  

Anyhow, between the two of these I will surely find a winner.  Thanks so 
much!  You know how it goes, the mental bugzapper gets silently shut 
down by the Universal Power Glitchifier sometimes, I think it's back up 


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tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the
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