Jeremy White wrote:
I'm filing papers (on a personal basis ) in Minnesota to do business
as 'The Wine Project', and I've opened a personal account with
the name 'The Wine Project', and I'm a few days away from having
a Paypal button all ready to go to accept donations.

You can thank Tom for this; he's the one that harangued me into it <grin>.

I think I've mostly held up in the past because we didn't
have anything to spend money on. However, Tom has pointed out
that we can use the money to fund travel for a Wineconf 2003,
and this also sounds like a worthy cause.
I'm good for $50 if you still need any for the standards doc.

BTW, you might consider applying for a grant from The Linux Fund.
I have their credit card, and every time I buy groceries,
TLF gets a little cut.
The Tux on the credit card gets comments fairly often,
mostly "Cute!".
- Dan

Dan Kegel

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