Dimitrie O. Paun wrote:

>The best thing to do is to post it here so we can see what we are

>talking about... And yes, we all want only the best code for wine :)

The code is already submitted in my patch. After thinking twice, I found
that the runtime check can be sped up. Calling snd_async_callback_t twice is
enough. Because we could commit the whole buffer for the first time, ALSA
driver will know the buffer is full. If the buffer will be reallocated, it
is the right time for the driver to perform the action. And the new address
will be returned next time we call snd_pcm_mmap_begin. We need not wait for
the whole buffer to be played once.

And I got some new information about the noticeable interval. Seems it's
something about the sound data format was not correctly set, for

sox -c1 -r44100 -sw /usr/share/sounds/pop.wav -tossdsp /dev/audio && wine

has the problem, but

sox -c1 -r44100 -sb /usr/share/sounds/pop.wav -tossdsp /dev/audio && wine

is unbelievably good. How could it be? I should find out if it's something
is wrong with my system or something else.



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