On Thursday 02 August 2007 20:19:52 Robert Shearman wrote:

> We shouldn't be implementing winhttp on top of wininet as there are 
> functions such as WinHttpSetCredentials 
> (http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/Aa384112.aspx) that can't be 
> implemented on top of wininet functions.

Why not? Could it not add the required headers to the request?

> There are also issues with different error codes being returned as well 
> as different callbacks 
> (http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa383917.aspx).

Well, error codes can be translated in wrappers and WINHTTP_STATUS_CALLBACK
has the same prototype as INTERNET_STATUS_CALLBACK, although it's not called
for the same set of events.

We should be able to implement more than 95% of this dll by wrapping/forwarding
to wininet. That's better than many other dlls in Wine and we're already seeing
regressions in apps trying to use our stub winhttp.


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