
No more MCIERR_HARDWARE in David's latest test result, hurray!
The difference with prior tests is that I temporarily eliminated 3 commands
 a) resume c
 b) set c video audio all off
 c) set c door closed notify

We are not done yet. Users who saw that error please feed the following
scripts into the mcishell to see which of those 3 commands causes the failure.

The mcishell is attached to bug #20232 at
wintest.exe mcishell
mci.c:1363: Type your commands to the MCI, end with Ctrl-Z

The 5 test failures in David's report are unrelated to MCIERR_HARDWARE.
>mcicda.c:540: Test failed: status mode after play is playing
Weird. I'd have expected Play to terminate within Sleep(3900ms) time.

>mcicda.c:297: Test failed: status position initially 00:02:33
I'll take care of that another day. For now I'll just remember that
there are disks that don't start at position 00:02:00.

Please copy&paste these lines as one piece into a cmd shell
so that there's as little delay as possible between commands.

# a) resume
open cdaudio alias c notify shareable
status c mode
status c position
play c from 00:02:00 to 00:01:00 notify
resume c
status c mode
seek c to start notify
status c mode
seek c to end
# # testsuite uses seek c to MM:SS:FF instead
set c time format tmsf
play c from 1
stop c

Don't forget after each one
close c

# b) set video audio
open cdaudio alias c notify shareable
status c mode
status c position
play c from 00:02:00 to 00:01:00 notify
seek c to start notify
set c video audio all off
status c mode
seek c to end
# # testsuite uses seek c to MM:SS:FF instead
set c time format tmsf
play c from 1
stop c

# c) set door closed
open cdaudio alias c notify shareable
status c mode
status c position
play c from 00:02:00 to 00:01:00 notify
seek c to start notify
set c door closed notify
status c mode
seek c to end
# # testsuite uses seek c to MM:SS:FF instead
set c time format tmsf
play c from 1
stop c

Thank you for testing,
 Jörg Höhle

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