On 05/17/2011 11:07 AM, Juan Lang wrote:
> Hi Andrew,
> +    GetComputerNameW(name, &size);
> +    hostname_printfW(fmtW, name);
> I'm pretty sure that's not what you want.  GetComputerName returns the
> "NetBIOS name" of the computer, which is set in the registry.
> hostname prints the IP hostname of the computer.  At least, my look at
> a Windows version's imports showed no import of GetComputerName, while
> there is an import of ws2_32.dll's gethostname (by ordinal).
> --Juan

You're right, I should have considered the fact that hostname.exe is
classed as a TCP/IP utility. I didn't snoop at the native executable's
imports, however, because I figured it would be spying too closely at
the utility's implementation details.

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