2013/9/30 Nikolay Sivov <bungleh...@gmail.com>

> On 9/30/2013 00:51, Daniel Jeliński wrote:
>  +struct progress_list {
>> +    const DWORD progress_retval_init;  /* value to return from progress
>> routine */
>> +    const BOOL cancel_init;            /* value to set Cancel flag to */
>> +    const DWORD progress_retval_end;   /* value to return from progress
>> routine */
>> +    const BOOL cancel_end;             /* value to set Cancel flag to */
>> +    const DWORD progress_count;        /* number of times progress is
>> invoked */
>> +    const BOOL copy_retval;            /* expected CopyFileEx result */
>> +    const DWORD lastError;             /* expected CopyFileEx error code
>> */
>> +} ;
>  I don't see a point making them 'const'.
I'm matching the formatting of existing code:
Also, what's the point of not making them const?

 +static DWORD WINAPI progress(LARGE_INTEGER TotalFileSize,
>> +        LARGE_INTEGER TotalBytesTransferred,
>> +        LARGE_INTEGER StreamSize,
>> +        LARGE_INTEGER StreamBytesTransferred,
>> +        DWORD dwStreamNumber,
>> +        DWORD dwCallbackReason,
>> +        HANDLE hSourceFile,
>> +        HANDLE hDestinationFile,
>> +        LPVOID lpData)
>> +{
>> +    progressInvoked++;
> Please pass all globals as context data with lpData, and please use
> 'void*' instead of LPVOID.
Good point about lpData. Still, does that make the patch invalid? Why
didn't you mention that on the first review?
About LPVOID - I'm matching the headers:
for the third patch:

Also, any comments on patch 3?

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