[Winona Online Democracy]

Mr Finn I am appalled by your racists comments when you replied  " Three cheers 
for white people ! ". That is completely unacceptable posting on this board.  
Your implications that Colorado is all white people is ignorant and crass. The 
point of the post is and remains that the people of Denver, white, black, red , 
yellow, brown and or green, took care of themselves and their own and didnt sit 
ther pointing fingers, looking for handouts, or suffer from a false sense of 
entitlement. The media, NOT sensing a moral breakdown( ala New Orleans) and 
unable to find a political finger to point ( like Naggin and Blanco putting the 
blame on the Bush administration, when clearly, they and they alone failed to 
properly prepare their residents for evacuation plans etc) chose to put a 
positive spin on the blizzard.
  In the future Mr Finn, please keep your racist comments off of this board 
  C. E. Woodford

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