[Winona Online Democracy]

I appreciate the discussion and information on plastics.  I especially
appreciate the info that HyVee and Walmart have deposit places for extra
plastic bags.  I don't go to either store so I didn't know that.  I may ask
Tommy Thompson if he could do the same at MidTowne.


In the discussion re San Francisco's decision they noted that there are
apparently two great huge globs of plastic floating in the ocean out there.
Does anyone know if that is true?  If it is, it is certainly being exposed
to sunlight and should eventually go away.  I got the impression however
that even though it will go away it won't go away very fast and why keep
adding more big globs.


By the way, I use the plastic bags I get in the car, in small waste baskets,
and have used them for doggy pickup when in Atlanta where my son has a dog.
(I don't have a dog.  Does anyone need extra bags?)  I use them for wrapping
smelly fish (all of which go in the dumpster) and as many other ways as I
can think of.  I even ask for paper instead of plastic as I use the paper
bags in the garbage can and can recycle them with the newspaper.  Despite
all of these choices I have noticed that the plastic still accumulates very


The next time you go to the grocery store count the plastic bags the check
out gives you when you ask for plastic.  The last time I went to the
grocery, I asked for paper with plastic in certain situations.  I walked
away with 3 paper bags and at least 6 plastic bags and often with only one
item in each plastic bag.  I should have stopped and consolidated but being
a hurry I didn't.  I hope to next time.  


Thanks for the tips and the discussion

Joliene Olson

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